
DeSal privacy policy

This document describes what data is requested, processed and stored through the DeSal mobile app. This app is independently developed.

What data does the app collect?

The app requires the bare minimum authentication information in order to create user profiles and allow users to use the services it provides:

How does it collect data?

The app collects data on signup, when a physical person wants to create a user account for using the services the app provides.

How does the app use the data?

The data collected by the app is sent to a remote server, in order to store them across sessions. The server is administrated by the same entity mantaining the app. The data sent to the server is used to:


The data is not shared with third-party entities, nor sent to any other server not directly controlled by the app developer.

What are your data protection rights?

Every user of the app is entitled to the rights to access, rectify, erase, object to processing, port their data, according to definition of the GDPR.

The app developer can be contacted at the following email address: